Home Your Council Council Meetings

Council Meetings

The Council’s meeting structure is as follows:

Full Council: Meetings held monthly (except in August)
Planning & Highways Committee: Meetings held monthly
Amenities Committee: Meetings held every two months
Policy & Resources Committee: Four meetings held per year
Joint Burial Committee: Four meetings held per year

All meetings commence at 6.45pm unless advised otherwise.​ ​All council meetings are open to the public and there is an open forum at the beginning of the meeting for those who wish to raise an issue or ask a question. Questions will be limited to three minutes per person and may be referred to the Clerk for further research or action or noted for discussion at a future meeting. ​

During the pandemic all Council meetings were held remotely and with YouTube live streaming. However, face-to-face Council meetings have now resumed either in the Council Chamber at the Town Hall, or in the Beech Suite at the George Reynolds Centre. Please check latest agendas for details on meeting dates and venues. Council meetings are streamed on the Council’s YouTube channel.

​​Councillors also hold monthly surgeries and coffee mornings for those wishing to have a more informal, one-to-one chat. Further information about these can be found here.

10 September 2021
Last Updated
10 September 2024